Sains Malaysiana 53(12)(2024): 3253-3261


Pembangunan Pengukuran MyPrestasi Berdasarkan Anugerah Kualiti Kebangsaan Malcolm Baldrige (MBNQA): Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Menurut Model Rasch

(Development of MyPrestasi Measurement Based on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA): Validity and Reliability According to the Rasch Model)




Jabatan Sains Matematik, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Received: 3 May 2024/Accepted: 20 August 2024



Instrumen MyPrestasi bagi memantau dan mengukur prestasi organisasi dalam sektor awam  di Malaysia telah dibangunkan dengan merujuk kepada kriteria Anugerah Kualiti Kebangsaan Malcolm Baldrige (MBNQA). Tujuh kriteria MBNQA iaitu Kepimpinan, Strategi, Pelanggan, Pengukuran, Analisis dan Pengurusan Pengetahuan, Tenaga Kerja, Operasi dan Keberhasilan menjadi konstruk instrumen pengukuran prestasi organisasi. Kajian ini melibatkan 100 responden pegawai awam persekutuan daripada kategori Pengurusan dan Profesional Gred 41 sehingga Gred 54. Tiga jenis analisis khusus menggunakan pengukuran model Rasch telah digunakan untuk menilai kesemua tujuh konstruk melibatkan 28 item dalam instrumen MyPrestasi. Nilai infit dan outfit MSNQ bagi lima konstruk MyPrestasi didapati mematuhi nilai julat yang ditetapkan. Manakala, dua item iaitu ST4 dan RT4 dalam konstruk Strategi dan Keberhasilan digugurkan dari instrumen MyPrestasi disebabkan terkeluar daripada julat MNSQ. Analisis Korelasi Pengukuran Titik Item bagi kesemua item juga menunjukkan nilai yang positif. Hasil kajian mencadangkan MyPrestasi dengan 26 item sebagai instrumen yang jitu, sah dan boleh dipercayai untuk mengukur prestasi organisasi dalam sektor awam.


Kata kunci: Kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan; MBNQA; pengukuran Model Rasch; prestasi organisasi



The MyPrestasi instrument for monitoring and measuring the performance of organizations in the public sector in Malaysia has been developed with reference to the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) criteria. The seven criteria of MBNQA namely Leadership, Strategy, Customers, Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management, Workforce, Operations and Success become the construct of organizational performance measurement instrument. This study involved 100 federal public officer respondents from the Management and Professional category Grade 41 to Grade 54. Three specific types of analysis using the Rasch model measurement were used to evaluate all seven constructs with 28 items in the MyPrestasi instrument. The infit and outfit values of MSNQ for the five MyPrestasi constructs were found to comply with the set range values for MNSQ. Meanwhile, two items namely, ST4 and RT4 in the Strategy and Success constructs were dropped from the MyPrestasi instrument due to being out of the range of the MNSQ. Item Point Measurement Correlation Analysis for all items also showed positive values. The results of the study suggested MyPrestasi with 26 items as a precise, valid and reliable instrument to measure the performance of organizations in the public sector.


Keywords: MBNQA; organizational performance; Rasch Model Measurement; validity and reliability



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